Saturday, December 31, 2022

How do Variants of Covid work?

What COVID-19 variant are we on? Currently, the dominant variant nationwide is BQ.1.1. "The original omicron variant is gone now," says Dr. Rupp. "Currently subvariants of omicron are circulating, including BQ.1.1, BQ.1, BA.5, BF.7, and XBB. Dec 14, 2022

What is known about the latest Covid variant?

According to the CDC, the Omicron variant spreads more easily than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Delta variant. In its early days, the variant caused an alarming spike in COVID-19 cases in South Africa—they went from 300 a day in mid-November 2021 to 3,000 a day at the end of that month. Dec 9, 2022

What are the symptoms of the new COVID-19 BA 5 variant?

All of the variants, including omicron BA.5, cause similar COVID-19 symptoms:

runny nose.


sore throat.



muscle pain.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Severe weather, America's gift to the future

Severe weather is any dangerous meteorological phenomenon with the potential to cause damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human life. Types of severe weather phenomena vary, depending on the latitude, altitude, topography, and atmospheric condition

Thunderstorms, hail, blizzards, ice storms, high winds, and heavy rain can develop quickly and threaten life and property.

The Fujita Scale For Tornadoes

  Original F scale (1)Enhanced F scale (2)
CategoryDamageWind speed (mph)3-second gust (mph)
F-0Light40-72 65-85
F-5Incredible261-318Over 200

The Great Red Spot is a persistent high-pressure region in the atmosphere of Jupiter, producing an anticyclonic storm that is the largest in the Solar System. Located 22 degrees south of Jupiter's equator, it produces wind-speeds up to 432 km/h.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Volcano, Mauna Loa


The world’s largest active volcano erupted for the first time in 38 years. Notice that Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano in the world, was going to erupt — as it did this week for the first time in nearly four decades — came to people on the Big Island of Hawaii an hour before the lava began to flow. Public officials scrambled to alert nearby residents. Scientists rushed to predict which areas of the island might be in danger. The curious made plans to observe what could shape up to be an event of a lifetime: the exhalation of a massive mountain.

The eruption was years in the making, matched not quite in scale by the ongoing effort to monitor the volcano with seismometers, spectrometers, tiltmeters, GPS units, and other state-of-the-art tools. “Mauna Loa is one of the most well-instrumented volcanoes in the United States,” said Wendy Stovall, a volcanologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Even still, so much about the inner workings of the mountain is unknown, Dr. Stovall and other scientists said.

Weston Thelen, a volcanologist with the U.S.G.S. who monitored the mountain from 2011 to 2016, said that sheer size, mineral composition and heat all presented logistical difficulties for scientists and public officials hoping to predict its movements. “Mauna Loa is a beast,” he said.

With the eruption underway, researchers on the Big Island, including Jim Kauahikaua, a volcanologist with the U.S.G.S. Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, have had to strike a careful balance between concern for public safety, given the many unknowns, and the desire to collect data.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Last eight years hottest on record, UN report warns


The past eight years are on track to be the hottest ever recorded, a United Nations report has found, as UN chief Antonio Guterres warned that the planet was sending “a distress signal”.

The UN’s weather and climate body released its annual state of the global climate report on Sunday with another warning that the target to limit temperature increases to 1.5C (2.7F) was “barely within reach”.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Friday, September 30, 2022

America's gift to the future. The new climate reality, a different geography. Rebuilding. Raising the cities 10, 20, 30, 40 feet as severe weather increases.

An aqueduct is a watercourse constructed to carry water from a source to a distribution point far away. In modern engineering, the term aqueduct is used for any system of pipes, ditches, canals, tunnels, and other structures used for this purpose. Wikipedia

Rebuilding the bigger infrastructure.


a length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas of water, especially two seas.

During the 1850s and 1860s, engineers carried out a piecemeal raising of the level of central Chicago to lift it out of the low-lying swampy ground. Streets, sidewalks, and buildings were physically raised on jackscrews. The work was funded by private property owners and public funds.

Severe weather is any dangerous meteorological phenomenon with the potential to cause damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human life. 

Types of severe weather phenomena vary, depending on the latitude, altitude, topography, and atmospheric conditions. 

Climate-related disasters jumped 83 percent — from 3,656 events during the 1980-1999 period to 6,681 in the past 20 years. Major floods have more than doubled, the number of severe storms has risen 40 percent, and there have been major increases in droughts, wildfires, and heatwaves

Saturday, September 24, 2022


 An unidentified flying object also called a UAP, is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained.

The moon is hollow approximately 15 miles deep.
The earth has a UAP base. They never left.
Mars has a base also.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Roughly 100 homes burned by Mill Fire

 Roughly 100 homes were burned by Mill Fire in Northern California; Mountain Fire grows nearby

San Diego
Los Angeles


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Polio found in U.K. for the first time in nearly 40 years

Polio was found in the U.K. for the first time in nearly 40 years. Here's what it means

June 22, 20227:19 PM ET

Michaeleen Doucleff 2016 square


Aerial view of the Beckton Sewage Treatment Works in London. Between February and May, U.K. scientists found several samples containing closely related versions of the polio virus in wastewater at the plant.

For the first time in nearly 40 years, health officials in the U.K. have identified a likely outbreak of polio in London.

So far, there have been no cases of polio detected directly in the U.K. But instead, scientists have discovered the outbreak through an indirect route. They've found multiple versions of the virus in sewage water, the U.K. Health Security Agency said Wednesday in a press release.

The risk to the general public is extremely low, the agency said, because the vast majority of people in Britain are vaccinated against polio during childhood – and therefore protected against infection.

But the agency encourages anyone not fully immunized to schedule an appointment right away.

Between February and May, U.K. scientists found several samples containing closely related versions of the virus in wastewater at the London Beckton Sewage Treatment Works – the largest water treatment plant in the U.K.

The viruses' genetic sequences suggest "there has been some spread between closely linked individuals in north and east London," the UKHSA said.

People infected with polio, or who have been vaccinated with a live version of the virus, shed traces of the virus in their stool – which eventually end up in sewage wastewater. So the current hypothesis is that an infected person brought the virus into London and then spread it to others who weren't immunized.

Can't Help Falling In Love With A Vaccine: How Polio Campaign Beat Vaccine Hesitancy

"It sounds like the outbreak is very small," says virologist Angela Rasmussen, who studies polio at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. "The outbreak could be within an extended family. Transmission would require a concentration of people who had not yet been vaccinated."

Scientists in England are quickly expanding surveillance of sewage samples to try and pinpoint where the outbreak occurred and whether it's still ongoing so they can stop it with targeted immunization. "We are urgently investigating to better understand the extent of this transmission," said epidemiologist Vanessa Saliba, who consults for the UKHSA, in the statement.

Polio causes permanent paralysis in people who are not fully vaccinated in about 5 out of every 1,000 cases. Polio spreads through the fecal-oral route. That is, when a person accidentally consumes infected stool.

The last case of polio in the U.K. occurred in 1984. The U.K. was declared free of polio in 2003.

The pandemic has given polio the opportunity to come surging back in many countries, Rasmussen says, because it disrupted childhood vaccination programs around the world.

"My biggest concern is the fact that there is a larger population now that hasn't been vaccinated on schedule," Rasmussen says. "I think that applies everywhere. And that's because of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic."

Back in 2016, the world recorded only a few dozen polio cases across four countries. From 2019 to 2020, the number of polio cases worldwide almost tripled, NPR reported in April, resulting in more than a thousand known cases spread across nearly 30 countries. Last year, the world recorded more than 600 cases of polio.

Here in the U.S., polio immunization is part of the routine vaccination schedule for babies and children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends they receive four doses of the inactivated polio vaccine. One shot each at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and then at 4 to 6 years old.

"If you're not up to date on your polio vaccine, now's the time to go out and get up to date," Rasmussen says.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Record heat in India

 Delhi (CNN)Temperatures in parts of India and Pakistan have reached record levels, putting the lives of millions at risk as the effects of the climate crisis are felt across the subcontinent.

The average maximum temperature for northwest and central India in April was the highest since records began 122 years ago, reaching 35.9 and 37.78 degrees Celsius (96.62 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit) respectively, according to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).

Last month, New Delhi saw seven consecutive days over 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), three degrees above the average temperature for the month of April, according to CNN meteorologists. In some states, the heat closed schools, damaged crops and put pressure on energy supplies, as officials warned residents to remain indoors and keep hydrated.

The heatwave has also been felt by India's neighbor Pakistan, where the cities of Jacobabad and Sibi in the country's southeastern Sindh province recorded highs of 47 degrees Celsius (116.6 Fahrenheit) on Friday, according to data shared with CNN by Pakistan's Meteorological Department (PMD). According to the PMD, this was the highest temperature recorded in any city in the Northern Hemisphere on that day.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Student loans

Will Chapter 7 get rid of student loans?

Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your student loans are not automatically discharged. To have your student loans considered for discharge, you can file a complaint to determine dischargeability, which initiates what's known as an adversary proceeding. You (and an attorney) attempt to prove your case for financial hardship

Can student loans be included in bankruptcy? Possibly.

What are adversarial proceedings?

A hearing before a judge or other neutral person, with competing arguments from opposing parties.

Bankruptcy does not automatically discharge student loans, but there are instances where you could get your student loan debt wiped clean.

The simplest way to understand what happens to student loans in Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy is to examine these two types of proceedings, as well as some alternative routes:

What happens to student loans in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

What happens to student loans in Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

What are alternatives to bankruptcy for student loans?

What do you need to consider before you file bankruptcy?

What happens to student loans in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy usually results in a liquidation of your assets. To file for Chapter 7, your current monthly income must be below the state median. If it’s not, you need to pass a means test to determine whether you have disposable income to pay the debt under a Chapter 13 plan. Unlike Chapter 13, Chapter 7 has no repayment plan. Some debts are fully discharged, while others are not.

Chapter 7 in the news

A January 2020 bankruptcy court decision discharged the $221,385.49 student loan debt of a U.S. Navy veteran, stemming from his Chapter 7 proceeding. However, the possible watershed ruling was ultimately appealed by the borrower’s loan servicer.

Here’s what happens to student loans when you file Chapter 7:

Lenders stop hounding you for money. Upon filing your Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, an automatic stay is granted like it is with a Chapter 13 filing.

There’s no automatic student loan debt discharge. Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your student loans are not automatically discharged. To have your student loans considered for discharge, you can file a complaint to determine dischargeability, which initiates what’s known as an adversary proceeding.

You (and an attorney) attempt to prove your case for financial hardship. It may not be as hard to discharge student loans as you have been led to believe. In the case of extreme financial hardship that results in having very little to contribute toward the repayment of your debts overall, the court may decide to discharge your student loans completely.

The process is quite difficult and rarely happens, but it is possible. According to a study published in 2011 that is still cited often, 40% of those who initiated the adversary proceeding were able to discharge all or part of their student loans.

However, only 0.1% of those who file Chapter 7 petitions filed the complaint to determine dischargeability — in other words, people are so convinced it’s a near-impossibility that they don’t even try.

The student loan holder may oppose your undue hardship claim. A July 2015 letter from the U.S. Department of Education advises loan holders on how this determination is made: “First, a holder must evaluate a borrower’s undue hardship claim and determine whether the holder believes that repayment would constitute an undue hardship according to the legal standards set by the federal courts.”

If the loan holder believes you’ve proven undue hardship, it may not oppose. However, if the loan holder doesn’t believe you’ve proven undue hardship, it may oppose, but not before running the numbers on just how much such opposition will cost.

The court may use one of two tests to determine undue hardship. There’s the Brunner test and the Totality of the Circumstances Test. The criteria for each test is outlined in the Education Department letter referenced above.

Under the Brunner test, you must show that:

Paying back your student loans will make it impossible for you to maintain a minimal standard of living

Your financial situation is not likely to change anytime soon

You’ve made a good-faith effort to pay back your student loans

Under the Totality of the Circumstances test, the court considers:

Your past, present and likely future financial resources

Reasonably necessary living expenses

Other relevant facts and circumstances

While these are the two most common tests, some courts use others. A bankruptcy attorney should be able to tell you which test is used in your jurisdiction.

Ultimately, it boils down to proving you’re experiencing undue hardship. Undue hardship is living under circumstances that make it next to impossible to fulfill your financial duties. Maybe you’re living below the poverty line, you have a disability that makes you unable to work or you qualify for food stamps. These quality-of-living factors could help you prove you’re unable to repay your student loan debt.

The court makes a decision. If the court finds that you have, indeed, proven undue hardship, you may have all or part of your student loans discharged. If the court finds that you have not proven undue hardship, your student loans will not be discharged and you’ll be responsible for paying them back in full.

Student loan account closed after Chapter 7?

● If your student loans are discharged completely via bankruptcy, you can expect your student loan account to close (though record of the bankruptcy itself may remain on your credit report for 10 years). Still, it’s wise to seek confirmation from your bankruptcy attorney.

● Keep in mind that if your loans are only partially discharged, your student loan account with your lender(s) will remain open, reflecting whatever balance you may still owe. To avoid delinquency and default on that remaining balance, consider the debt repayment strategies detailed in the table below.

What happens to student loans in Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a reorganization where you’re required to repay part of your debt, likely over three to five years. Some of your remaining debts may be discharged at the end, including student loans.

Chapter 13 in the news

In August 2020, a bankruptcy court affirmed the cancellation of $200,000 in education debt for a Colorado couple. The potentially landmark ruling was the final result of a Chapter 13 filing.

Here’s what happens to student loans under Chapter 13 bankruptcy:

Lenders stop hounding you. Upon filing your Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition, an automatic stay is granted. This prohibits most creditors — including student loan servicers — from trying to collect debts. This protection typically continues through your repayment period.

Student loans don’t take top priority. Student loans in Chapter 13 bankruptcy are considered nonpriority unsecured debt. This means you aren’t required to pay the full amount of your student loans through the Chapter 13 repayment plan.

Your monthly payment may change. The amount you end up paying toward your student loans in Chapter 13 bankruptcy depends on your repayment plan. Your student loans receive a pro rata share, which will likely represent a dollar amount less than your regular monthly student loan payment. In some cases, your student loan debt might be discharged (more on this below).

Making full monthly payments may not be possible. If you want to continue paying your student loans in full outside Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you need to check. Some jurisdictions deny this because the full payments reduce what certain unsecured creditors would be paid during bankruptcy.

Student loan interest can mount. Your student loans may continue to accrue interest over the three- to five-year term of your Chapter 13 repayment plan, since you’re most likely not making full payments.

Student loans can come back to haunt you. Once the repayment plan is over, you may be responsible for the remainder of your student loans because they may fall into the non-dischargeable debts category. This category can also include child support, unpaid taxes, debts for damages caused by you or debt from restitution orders. As you can see, not all debt disappears after a bankruptcy, so you should get advice from a professional before you file.

What are alternatives to bankruptcy for student loans?

About 250,000 student loan borrowers file for bankruptcy annually, according to academic research from Villanova University — but perhaps you shouldn’t be among them.

Before filing for bankruptcy, find out if you’re eligible for these alternatives for your student loans:

Income-driven repayment (IDR) IDR plans may be available for those with federal student loans. These plans base your monthly payment on your discretionary income, so if you’re experiencing a period of unemployment or underemployment, your payments can be adjusted to make them manageable. After 20 to 25 years of making payments under an IDR plan, your loans may be forgiven.

Deferment or forbearance Both deferment and forbearance put a pause on your federal student loan payments if you decide to go back to school or you’re having trouble making ends meet. While in deferment, you may not have to pay for the interest that accrues (depending on the type of loan), though while in forbearance, you’re required to pay interest on the loan. Private student loan companies may offer deferment or forbearance options as well.

Debt consolidation A debt consolidation or management plan would allow you to group your loans, ideally at a lower interest rate or monthly payment. Consolidation could be out of reach if you have poor credit or no access to a cosigner. In that case, a debt management plan set up through a nonprofit credit counseling agency could put you on track to zero your balances within three to five years.

Discharge In certain situations, your federal loans may be completely discharged. A total and permanent disability or the closing of your school could qualify you for a federal student loan discharge.

Rather than filing for bankruptcy, getting an income-driven repayment plan or requesting a temporary stop to payments could help you get back on your feet.

What do you need to consider before you file bankruptcy?

Now that you know what happens to student loans in Chapter 7 and 13, you might be ready to move forward. But remember: Bankruptcy should be treated as a last resort under any circumstance.

If you’ve asked “can student loans be included in bankruptcy,” make sure you’ve exhausted every other possibility before pursuing this. By that point, you have already compared debt consolidation versus bankruptcy, for example.

The information we’ve provided on bankruptcy and student loans is not intended to replace legal advice. For recommendations specific to you, consult with a bankruptcy attorney. Finding a student loan lawyer might be easier than you’d think.

Andrew Pentis and Taylor Gordon contributed to this report.Can You File Bankruptcy On Student Loans?

Discharging student loans through bankruptcy requires you to prove that repayment poses an "undue hardship.”

Ryan Lane, Anna Helhoski

Jul 19, 2021

How to Get Your Student Loans Discharged in Bankruptcy

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This may influence which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money.

If you need solutions for your student debt:

Find help: Options for legit student loan help resources and organizations to contact.

Pause payments: Find out the differences between student loan forbearance and deferment.

Get out of default: Learn the consequences of and remedies for defaulting on your student debt.

Declare bankruptcy: Explore how to discharge student debt in bankruptcy.

It’s a common misconception that you can’t file for bankruptcy for student loans. It is possible to discharge student loans in bankruptcy, but it’s more difficult than wiping out most other debts.

Federal student loans are less likely to be discharged in bankruptcy due to their repayment options and strict standards around "undue hardship."

But private student loans don't offer the same repayment options or protections as federal ones. There are also signs bankruptcy for private student loans is getting easier.

On July 15, 2021, a New York-based federal appeals court ruled private student loans are not protected from discharge in bankruptcy.

However, because of the potential costs and financial impact of bankruptcy, examine your debt relief options before making a decision.

» MORE: Can you discharge student loans in bankruptcy?

Here’s how filing bankruptcy for student loans works, and how to determine if this is the right choice for you.

How to file for student loan bankruptcy

Discharging student loans comes at the end of the bankruptcy process. Here’s what you need to do first.

1. Find a bankruptcy attorney. While an attorney isn’t absolutely necessary, working with one — especially one with at least some student loan experience — can help you navigate the complicated process more smoothly.

Filing for bankruptcy costs anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on your location and the case’s complexity. Plus, there are attorney fees for the adversary proceeding required to get student loans discharged.

However, you likely won’t qualify for student loan bankruptcy discharge if you can afford an attorney, says Michael Fuller, a Portland, Oregon-based consumer attorney who takes on student loan bankruptcy cases pro bono.

Here's where to find free legal help:

Legal Services Corporation: Search for local legal aid by ZIP code.

Student Loan Borrower Assistance: This nonprofit has a list of legal aid organizations by state.

Massachusetts Student Loan Bankruptcy Assistance Project: A group of attorneys and law firms offering free representation for adversary proceedings.

Oregon Student Debt: A pro bono student loan organization.

2. File for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy. You must file for bankruptcy before your student loans can be discharged. Your attorney can help determine the type of consumer bankruptcy that’s best for you: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.

If you’ve already filed for bankruptcy but didn’t attempt to have your student loans discharged, you can reopen the case and argue for them to be cleared.

3. File a complaint to begin the adversary proceeding. Erasing student loans through bankruptcy requires an additional lawsuit known as an adversary proceeding. To kick this off, you — or your bankruptcy attorney, more likely — must file a written complaint outlining your case. From there, the case will be litigated until the judge determines the outcome. You may receive full discharge, partial discharge or no discharge.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Covid worldwide numbers



Other Total

Cases New

Cases Total

Deaths New

Deaths Total

Recovered New

Recovered Active

Cases Serious,

Critical Tot Cases/

1M pop Deaths/

1M pop Total

Tests Tests/

1M pop Population

World 383,627,919 +1,627,324 5,710,459 +5,087 303,865,799 +1,035,846 74,051,661 92,336 49,216 732.6

1 USA 76,529,998 +13,796 914,205 +281 46,655,637 +8,608 28,960,156 22,561 229,078 2,737 906,085,268 2,712,199 334,077,703

2 India 41,630,885 497,996 39,511,307 1,621,582 8,944 29,705 355 732,439,986 522,613 1,401,494,922

3 Brazil 25,625,133 628,132 22,353,361 2,643,640 8,318 119,213 2,922 63,776,166 296,698 214,953,059

4 France 19,557,626 131,312 12,803,670 6,622,644 3,641 298,579 2,005 231,648,947 3,536,497 65,502,366

5 UK 17,515,199 +88,085 157,409 +534 14,680,867 2,676,923 502 255,879 2,300 455,672,764 6,656,920 68,450,986

6 Russia 12,128,796 +141,883 332,690 +678 10,337,008 +48,426 1,459,098 2,300 83,055 2,278 247,600,000 1,695,500 146,033,616

7 Turkey 11,833,165 +110,682 87,824 +210 11,085,392 +86,671 659,949 1,128 137,954 1,024 132,216,798 1,541,411 85,776,474

8 Italy 11,235,745 +118,994 147,320 +395 8,680,799 +187,816 2,407,626 1,524 186,266 2,442 172,843,235 2,865,393 60,320,945

9 Germany 10,211,886 +132,108 118,823 +114 7,789,600 +84,600 2,303,463 2,274 121,269 1,411 89,622,218 1,064,291 84,208,414

10 Spain 10,039,126 93,633 6,294,712 3,650,781 2,054 214,587 2,001 66,213,858 1,415,326 46,783,474

11 Argentina 8,427,778 121,513 7,793,699 512,566 2,864 183,801 2,650 32,664,016 712,368 45,852,707

12 Iran 6,446,404 +38,160 132,563 +59 6,115,134 +4,519 198,707 1,819 75,225 1,547 44,694,344 521,548 85,695,494

13 Colombia 5,901,715 134,551 5,678,249 88,915 342 114,061 2,600 32,215,734 622,624 51,741,894

14 Mexico 4,985,689 +43,099 306,920 +829 4,120,623 +49,868 558,146 4,798 38,036 2,342 14,156,658 108,002 131,078,326

15 Poland 4,981,321 +56,051 105,753 +318 4,065,159 +22,127 810,409 1,045 131,848 2,799 30,858,580 816,777 37,780,927

16 Netherlands 4,605,248 +66,969 21,303 +10 3,159,036 +14,520 1,424,909 215 267,826 1,239 21,107,399 1,227,535 17,194,945

17 Indonesia 4,387,286 +17,895 144,373 +25 4,148,804 +5,110 94,109 567 15,776 519 72,706,560 261,436 278,104,745

18 Ukraine 4,130,277 +35,014 100,599 +204 3,641,474 +9,894 388,204 177 95,349 2,322 18,206,854 420,313 43,317,391

19 South Africa 3,608,307 95,288 3,459,418 53,601 546 59,648 1,575 22,303,586 368,697 60,492,914

20 Philippines 3,577,298 +7,661 54,097 +43 3,362,904 +23,392 160,297 316 31,971 483 27,345,917 244,398 111,890,761

21 Peru 3,262,165 205,985 N/A N/A N/A 1,350 96,803 6,112 25,436,629 754,815 33,699,175

22 Belgium 3,184,201 +28,962 29,083 +31 2,086,590 +10,204 1,068,528 406 272,864 2,492 30,314,872 2,597,778 11,669,537

23 Czechia 3,100,462 +57,195 37,281 +17 2,719,729 +14,158 343,452 213 288,671 3,471 50,442,850 4,696,526 10,740,461

24 Canada 3,063,059 34,017 2,824,460 204,582 1,211 80,046 889 56,389,990 1,473,619 38,266,342

25 Israel 2,966,451 8,926 2,510,076 447,449 1,134 318,084 957 41,373,364 4,436,346 9,326,000

26 Malaysia 2,876,324 31,985 2,787,187 57,152 113 87,101 969 44,663,753 1,352,516 33,022,719

27 Japan 2,811,050 +80,222 18,871 +79 2,144,690 +48,336 647,489 886 22,334 150 33,896,346 269,312 125,862,915

28 Portugal 2,745,383 +54,693 20,024 +56 2,112,346 +33,989 613,013 149 270,492 1,973 33,409,187 3,291,677 10,149,596

29 Australia 2,620,063 +39,677 3,905 +70 2,323,022 +42,809 293,136 349 100,894 150 61,275,784 2,359,622 25,968,473

30 Thailand 2,456,551 +8,587 22,210 +22 2,351,250 +8,485 83,091 542 35,055 317 17,270,775 246,453 70,077,492

31 Vietnam 2,295,494 +8,744 37,777 2,068,853 +6,795 188,864 2,735 23,251 383 77,252,039 782,490 98,725,892

32 Romania 2,292,345 +35,802 60,242 +107 1,941,797 +22,543 290,306 973 120,432 3,165 19,341,513 1,016,139 19,034,321

33 Switzerland 2,284,996 +20,217 12,842 +1 1,360,365 +12,779 911,789 209 260,997 1,467 17,150,613 1,958,976 8,754,887

34 Iraq 2,226,776 +8,293 24,430 +25 2,123,635 +6,333 78,711 156 53,463 587 17,481,709 419,721 41,650,829

35 Sweden 2,223,115 15,991 1,341,801 +9,913 865,323 111 217,973 1,568 17,101,699 1,676,797 10,199,030

36 Chile 2,221,276 +29,844 39,742 +9 1,771,564 +983 409,970 511 114,640 2,051 30,144,567 1,555,758 19,376,133

37 Greece 1,984,544 +18,825 23,721 +113 1,739,262 +20,399 221,561 561 191,885 2,294 57,755,330 5,584,340 10,342,374

38 Austria 1,920,882 +39,410 14,143 +16 1,590,223 +30,090 316,516 185 211,369 1,556 144,013,076 15,846,837 9,087,812

39 Bangladesh 1,824,180 +12,193 28,461 +36 1,575,137 +4,203 220,582 1,516 10,904 170 12,568,226 75,129 167,288,252

40 Denmark 1,762,628 +52,009 3,790 +20 1,185,138 +36,459 573,700 26 302,622 651 120,352,813 20,663,130 5,824,520

41 Serbia 1,714,863 +17,851 13,748 +61 1,411,460 +12,501 289,655 166 197,528 1,584 8,208,435 945,498 8,681,600

42 Hungary 1,582,517 +19,690 41,548 +77 1,310,420 +18,921 230,549 163 164,478 4,318 10,116,075 1,051,405 9,621,480

43 Pakistan 1,436,413 +6,047 29,330 +29 1,304,980 +9,590 102,103 1,559 6,309 129 25,134,775 110,394 227,681,484

44 Jordan 1,260,983 +17,893 13,248 +13 1,138,742 +4,201 108,993 1,019 121,675 1,278 14,820,913 1,430,097 10,363,573

45 Kazakhstan 1,246,103 +7,149 13,260 1,098,462 +12,783 134,381 528 65,130 693 11,575,012 604,995 19,132,410

46 Georgia 1,226,444 +26,320 15,060 +44 1,030,065 +9,555 181,319 308,382 3,787 14,625,124 3,677,396 3,977,033

47 Ireland 1,193,156 +5,940 6,228 +92 839,761 +16,986 347,167 66 237,437 1,239 10,954,824 2,180,002 5,025,145

48 Morocco 1,138,847 +3,051 15,464 +29 1,087,706 +4,229 35,677 293 30,286 411 11,237,010 298,829 37,603,446

49 Cuba 1,047,860 +1,460 8,415 +8 1,028,263 +2,484 11,182 54 92,603 744 12,715,747 1,123,730 11,315,661

50 Slovakia 1,043,008 +20,224 17,877 +27 872,937 +6,163 152,194 283 190,893 3,272 5,647,848 1,033,679 5,463,832

51 Bulgaria 963,108 33,405 678,768 250,935 533 140,281 4,866 8,523,133 1,241,434 6,865,554

52 Nepal 959,775 +2,205 11,764 +12 878,720 +7,555 69,291 100 32,028 393 5,247,149 175,101 29,966,412

53 Croatia 954,555 +10,003 13,947 +54 880,344 +4,458 60,264 183 234,814 3,431 4,247,960 1,044,971 4,065,148

54 Lebanon 928,522 9,621 682,977 235,924 186 137,011 1,420 4,795,578 707,625 6,777,009

55 Tunisia 917,814 26,362 791,720 99,732 200 76,392 2,194 4,057,762 337,739 12,014,494

56 S. Korea 884,310 +20,268 6,787 +15 633,060 +3,573 244,463 278 17,225 132 15,804,065 307,837 51,339,099

57 Bolivia 859,530 +3,825 21,011 +60 700,312 +4,557 138,207 220 72,077 1,762 2,653,186 222,486 11,925,171

58 UAE 849,305 +2,163 2,251 +3 779,466 +1,303 67,588 84,259 223 126,179,227 12,518,209 10,079,655

59 Norway 804,286 1,440 88,952 713,894 47 146,543 262 9,852,076 1,795,075 5,488,393

60 Belarus 748,505 +3,634 6,084 +17 738,181 +3,296 4,240 79,254 644 11,773,012 1,246,560 9,444,398

61 Slovenia 745,980 +23,429 5,891 +11 553,496 +12,291 186,593 130 358,749 2,833 2,508,176 1,206,207 2,079,391

62 Ecuador 732,038 34,533 N/A N/A N/A 759 40,517 1,911 2,470,170 136,721 18,067,256

63 Panama 705,880 7,752 640,692 57,436 35 159,618 1,753 5,222,353 1,180,911 4,422,310

64 Lithuania 701,601 +8,662 7,917 +12 600,152 +7,651 93,532 82 263,552 2,974 7,292,773 2,739,488 2,662,093

65 Costa Rica 701,471 7,593 576,502 117,376 131 135,739 1,469 3,324,431 643,297 5,167,802

66 Saudi Arabia 695,217 +4,092 8,943 +2 649,334 +4,604 36,940 1,002 19,489 251 38,166,414 1,069,917 35,672,322

67 Guatemala 694,513 16,401 638,545 39,567 5 37,663 889 3,603,800 195,432 18,440,180

68 Uruguay 679,878 6,513 606,842 66,523 151 194,651 1,865 5,247,496 1,502,373 3,492,804

69 Azerbaijan 670,313 +6,620 8,779 +24 630,727 +3,385 30,807 65,181 854 6,191,130 602,019 10,283,940

70 Sri Lanka 613,478 +1,156 15,492 +18 579,320 +471 18,666 28,460 719 6,064,083 281,324 21,555,499

71 Paraguay 589,318 17,386 504,399 67,533 204 81,047 2,391 2,366,888 325,511 7,271,292

72 Kuwait 558,745 +6,592 2,501 +2 502,073 +4,886 54,171 86 127,842 572 6,985,251 1,598,245 4,370,577

73 Dominican Republic 556,520 4,310 546,266 5,944 178 50,500 391 2,959,092 268,515 11,020,216

74 Myanmar 536,536 +143 19,310 513,557 +141 3,669 9,757 351 6,420,447 116,762 54,987,647

75 Finland 501,152 +8,038 2,012 +22 46,000 453,140 37 90,227 362 9,501,644 1,710,665 5,554,358

76 Palestine 499,031 4,847 446,032 48,152 82 94,351 916 2,958,990 559,454 5,289,066

77 Venezuela 487,775 5,454 464,939 17,382 230 17,231 193 3,359,014 118,658 28,308,265

78 Ethiopia 465,477 7,343 399,021 59,113 252 3,896 61 4,354,354 36,448 119,469,104

79 Mongolia 446,076 +1,488 2,115 +2 313,256 130,705 192 132,687 629 4,030,048 1,198,750 3,361,876

80 Moldova 445,046 10,666 384,750 49,630 276 110,733 2,654 2,756,842 685,934 4,019,106

81 Libya 438,303 +4,371 6,035 +7 394,412 +1,114 37,856 134 62,443 860 2,239,803 319,094 7,019,256

82 Egypt 428,202 22,683 360,524 44,995 122 4,063 215 3,693,367 35,045 105,389,671

83 Latvia 401,792 4,888 300,620 96,284 72 216,816 2,638 6,125,354 3,305,374 1,853,150

84 Honduras 391,874 10,504 127,038 254,332 105 38,593 1,034 1,189,896 117,185 10,154,024

85 Bahrain 382,748 1,408 333,174 48,166 17 213,220 784 8,808,927 4,907,259 1,795,081

86 Armenia 374,878 +3,956 8,060 +4 341,355 +5,276 25,463 126,136 2,712 2,744,536 923,458 2,972,019

87 Singapore 359,075 858 337,743 20,474 8 60,621 145 22,660,836 3,825,757 5,923,229

88 Estonia 351,240 +7,186 2,039 +2 265,812 +5,272 83,389 16 264,498 1,535 2,852,694 2,148,195 1,327,949

89 Bosnia and Herzegovina 351,219 +2,124 14,555 +57 192,218 144,446 108,118 4,481 1,635,724 503,535 3,248,480

90 Oman 344,043 +2,335 4,153 +5 317,584 +1,300 22,306 50 64,766 782 25,000,000 4,706,237 5,312,100

91 Qatar 341,628 +1,245 649 +2 321,767 +2,975 19,212 62 121,671 231 3,311,465 1,179,379 2,807,805

92 Kenya 321,671 +119 5,593 +6 295,433 +574 20,645 11 5,781 101 3,233,831 58,115 55,645,701

93 Zambia 305,959 +402 3,921 +1 298,547 +201 3,491 60 15,937 204 3,189,906 166,155 19,198,341

94 North Macedonia 270,897 8,444 247,670 14,783 130,037 4,053 1,794,030 861,174 2,083,238

95 Albania 260,106 3,353 238,655 18,098 23 90,540 1,167 1,637,312 569,932 2,872,818

96 Cyprus 259,784 734 124,370 134,680 60 212,714 601 9,477,138 7,759,992 1,221,282

97 Algeria 253,520 6,593 168,522 78,405 39 5,621 146 230,861 5,118 45,104,553

98 Nigeria 253,340 3,136 229,650 20,554 11 1,183 15 4,116,369 19,215 214,223,246

99 Botswana 253,036 2,581 243,798 6,657 1 104,268 1,064 2,026,898 835,221 2,426,780

100 Zimbabwe 229,851 5,350 219,776 4,725 12 15,116 352 1,999,044 131,468 15,205,526

101 Réunion 226,005 531 165,236 60,238 60 249,610 586 1,424,291 1,573,048 905,434

102 Uzbekistan 225,110 +1,087 1,571 +3 210,647 +301 12,892 23 6,575 46 1,377,915 40,246 34,237,280

103 Mozambique 224,043 +94 2,180 +6 215,446 +29 6,417 13 6,864 67 1,229,425 37,666 32,640,542

104 Montenegro 220,597 2,568 212,090 5,939 60 351,162 4,088 1,118,162 1,779,969 628,192

105 Kyrgyzstan 198,719 +201 2,889 +5 188,775 +632 7,055 131 29,683 432 1,907,195 284,885 6,694,613

106 Afghanistan 164,190 +448 7,418 +1 146,662 +38 10,110 1,124 4,073 184 859,180 21,311 40,315,711

107 Luxembourg 161,986 +2,548 956 +3 128,126 +1,314 32,904 13 252,275 1,489 3,991,423 6,216,182 642,102

108 Uganda 161,940 +78 3,540 +7 99,329 +32 59,071 177 3,372 74 2,359,695 49,134 48,025,301

109 Ghana 156,920 1,395 153,649 1,876 5 4,889 43 2,241,487 69,829 32,099,491

110 Namibia 155,942 3,969 145,865 6,108 9 59,662 1,519 922,167 352,814 2,613,749

111 Maldives 143,202 +2,142 278 +1 125,190 +2,163 17,734 25 257,736 500 2,075,828 3,736,084 555,616

112 El Salvador 135,109 3,908 120,327 10,874 56 20,665 598 1,627,890 248,987 6,538,056

113 Laos 134,901 +463 553 +2 7,660 126,688 18,125 74 968,623 130,143 7,442,735

114 Rwanda 128,933 1,444 45,522 81,967 4 9,579 107 4,514,830 335,421 13,460,207

115 Jamaica 124,967 +161 2,675 +12 70,340 +131 51,952 25 41,912 897 800,565 268,498 2,981,645

116 Cambodia 121,438 +48 3,015 117,728 +95 695 7,108 176 2,800,529 163,914 17,085,369

117 Cameroon 116,718 1,880 106,050 8,788 13 4,230 68 1,751,774 63,490 27,591,338

118 Trinidad and Tobago 112,019 3,412 84,292 24,315 22 79,634 2,426 556,920 395,914 1,406,668

119 China 106,202 +63 4,636 99,764 +145 1,802 9 74 3 160,000,000 111,163 1,439,323,776

120 Guadeloupe 105,319 773 2,250 102,296 21 263,145 1,931 830,521 2,075,099 400,232

121 Angola 98,226 1,895 95,300 1,031 8 2,849 55 1,384,080 40,138 34,483,018

122 Martinique 92,796 841 104 91,851 33 247,585 2,244 602,739 1,608,145 374,804

123 DRC 85,379 1,278 50,930 33,171 910 14 846,704 9,020 93,867,492

124 Senegal 85,072 +34 1,949 80,897 +288 2,226 11 4,877 112 981,972 56,299 17,441,958

125 Malawi 84,572 2,563 69,474 12,535 67 4,247 129 528,690 26,551 19,911,995

126 Ivory Coast 80,783 785 78,209 1,789 2,947 29 1,360,355 49,627 27,411,758

127 French Guiana 76,054 378 11,254 64,422 15 244,602 1,216 568,918 1,829,730 310,930

128 Suriname 73,956 +187 1,267 +4 49,276 +4 23,413 14 124,305 2,130 216,282 363,525 594,958

129 Iceland 70,721 +1,379 47 +1 60,022 +1,708 10,652 3 205,136 136 1,611,370 4,674,011 344,751

130 Eswatini 68,454 +31 1,376 +1 66,799 +20 279 11 58,052 1,167 458,974 389,228 1,179,190

131 Malta 68,193 +227 556 +5 64,402 +353 3,235 5 153,794 1,254 1,211,456 2,732,160 443,406

132 Fiji 62,855 801 60,496 1,558 69,320 883 492,136 542,756 906,736

133 Guyana 60,109 1,171 49,294 9,644 13 75,841 1,477 508,888 642,077 792,565

134 Madagascar 59,319 1,274 53,582 4,463 224 2,058 44 370,597 12,860 28,817,252

135 Mauritania 58,298 956 55,382 1,960 30 12,038 197 689,388 142,347 4,843,004

136 Sudan 58,208 3,442 40,329 14,437 1,280 76 562,941 12,381 45,469,298

137 Cabo Verde 55,721 396 54,923 402 23 98,525 700 400,982 709,010 565,552

138 Belize 52,004 629 43,232 8,143 4 127,132 1,538 463,323 1,132,667 409,055

139 Syria 51,483 2,992 38,938 9,553 2,833 165 146,269 8,049 18,173,320

140 French Polynesia 48,266 636 N/A N/A N/A 7 170,262 2,244 283,481

141 Gabon 46,925 301 42,047 4,577 9 20,324 130 1,541,274 667,555 2,308,835

142 Barbados 45,216 281 34,048 10,887 157,037 976 539,980 1,875,367 287,933

143 Channel Islands 42,467 133 38,949 3,385 240,741 754 1,184,668 6,715,767 176,401

144 Burundi 37,432 38 773 36,621 3,006 3 345,742 27,768 12,450,875

145 Curaçao 37,281 234 35,547 1,500 3 225,732 1,417 451,409 2,733,228 165,156

146 Seychelles 37,190 154 34,710 2,326 374,476 1,551 99,312

147 Papua New Guinea 37,145 597 35,911 637 7 4,031 65 249,149 27,036 9,215,300

148 Togo 36,531 +22 268 32,897 +252 3,366 4,255 31 664,863 77,438 8,585,747

149 Mayotte 36,361 187 2,964 33,210 128,380 660 176,919 624,648 283,230

150 Andorra 36,315 +357 146 +1 33,562 +1,465 2,607 14 468,817 1,885 249,838 3,225,339 77,461

151 Guinea 36,166 419 32,133 3,614 49 2,641 31 582,615 42,538 13,696,295

152 Tanzania 33,230 789 N/A N/A N/A 7 532 13 62,425,392

153 Aruba 33,084 193 32,603 288 9 307,804 1,796 177,885 1,654,991 107,484

154 Bahamas 32,645 +39 748 +2 24,777 +220 7,120 9 81,777 1,874 210,442 527,165 399,196

155 Lesotho 32,258 694 22,054 9,510 14,871 320 380,776 175,541 2,169,151

156 Mali 30,101 715 26,475 2,911 1,422 34 597,872 28,237 21,173,395

157 Haiti 29,323 792 24,558 3,973 2,523 68 132,422 11,393 11,622,670

158 Benin 26,450 163 25,506 781 5 2,095 13 604,310 47,864 12,625,546

159 Mauritius 26,315 762 25,046 507 20,637 598 358,675 281,289 1,275,112

160 Somalia 25,388 1,335 13,182 10,871 1,530 80 400,466 24,132 16,594,596

161 Congo 23,705 371 20,178 3,156 4,135 65 347,815 60,669 5,732,984

162 New Caledonia 23,231 +1,230 284 15,289 +181 7,658 18 80,150 980 98,964 341,438 289,845

163 Isle of Man 21,665 70 21,036 559 252,665 816 150,753 1,758,134 85,746

164 Saint Lucia 21,081 +139 333 +5 16,938 3,810 7 113,978 1,800 127,232 687,900 184,957

165 Faeroe Islands 20,749 19 7,693 13,037 5 422,097 387 751,000 15,277,580 49,157

166 Burkina Faso 20,649 371 20,153 125 947 17 244,335 11,203 21,809,963

167 Timor-Leste 20,136 +31 122 19,746 268 14,826 90 226,374 166,673 1,358,194

168 Taiwan 18,903 +53 851 16,773 +65 1,279 791 36 10,508,953 439,980 23,885,078

169 Nicaragua 17,709 217 4,225 13,267 2,624 32 6,749,379

170 Tajikistan 17,326 124 17,157 45 1,754 13 9,876,647

171 New Zealand 16,817 +197 53 14,929 +64 1,835 3,362 11 6,071,954 1,213,881 5,002,100

172 South Sudan 16,810 137 13,077 3,596 1 1,474 12 323,638 28,385 11,401,573

173 Brunei 16,691 +133 98 15,993 +29 600 1 37,583 221 705,356 1,588,232 444,114

174 Equatorial Guinea 15,828 182 15,425 221 5 10,725 123 273,437 185,272 1,475,866

175 Djibouti 15,475 +3 189 15,237 +15 49 15,310 187 274,736 271,814 1,010,751

176 Hong Kong 14,326 213 12,806 1,307 1,887 28 32,291,326 4,252,590 7,593,331

177 CAR 13,919 110 6,859 6,950 2 2,805 22 81,294 16,381 4,962,707

178 Cayman Islands 13,788 15 8,553 5,220 6 205,963 224 215,963 3,226,025 66,944

179 Gibraltar 13,243 +158 101 11,734 +58 1,408 5 393,259 2,999 491,981 14,609,681 33,675

180 San Marino 12,884 109 11,132 1,643 2 378,451 3,202 125,140 3,675,831 34,044

181 Grenada 12,498 210 10,956 1,332 110,261 1,853 126,733 1,118,078 113,349

182 Gambia 11,863 364 11,138 361 4 4,700 144 135,608 53,726 2,524,059

183 Yemen 11,045 +32 2,018 +5 7,130 +9 1,897 23 358 65 265,253 8,594 30,865,522

184 Greenland 10,821 6 2,761 8,054 15 190,089 105 164,926 2,897,200 56,926

185 Bermuda 10,793 117 9,751 925 174,325 1,890 760,199 12,278,504 61,913

186 Eritrea 9,580 +21 99 9,299 +34 182 2,643 27 23,693 6,538 3,624,146

187 Saint Martin 9,439 61 1,399 7,979 7 237,698 1,536 78,366 1,973,458 39,710

188 Dominica 9,387 51 8,526 810 129,890 706 149,046 2,062,378 72,269

189 Sint Maarten 9,338 79 8,702 557 10 213,944 1,810 62,056 1,421,770 43,647

190 Liechtenstein 9,176 +146 73 8,609 494 2 239,576 1,906 80,413 2,099,501 38,301

191 Niger 8,655 301 8,050 304 1 338 12 217,740 8,508 25,591,781

192 Monaco 8,502 46 8,103 353 4 214,248 1,159 54,960 1,384,976 39,683

193 Comoros 7,833 +1 160 7,653 +5 20 8,714 178 898,918

194 Sierra Leone 7,625 +2 125 N/A N/A N/A 926 15 259,958 31,572 8,233,735

195 Guinea-Bissau 7,586 156 6,642 788 6 3,716 76 118,560 58,072 2,041,601

196 Liberia 7,272 290 5,747 1,235 2 1,386 55 139,824 26,655 5,245,781

197 Chad 7,155 190 4,874 2,091 417 11 191,341 11,143 17,171,372

198 Caribbean Netherlands 7,077 28 6,660 389 265,963 1,052 30,126 1,132,173 26,609

199 St. Vincent Grenadines 6,688 94 5,774 820 17 59,983 843 97,164 871,442 111,498

200 Antigua and Barbuda 6,627 127 6,124 376 1 66,796 1,280 18,901 190,509 99,213

201 Sao Tome and Principe 5,903 +4 70 5,709 +16 124 26,166 310 29,036 128,705 225,601

202 British Virgin Islands 5,839 49 N/A N/A N/A 12 191,129 1,604 98,247 3,215,941 30,550

203 Turks and Caicos 5,745 34 5,490 221 4 145,274 860 419,792 10,615,283 39,546

204 Saint Kitts and Nevis 5,446 37 5,067 342 1 101,236 688 65,141 1,210,912 53,795

205 Bhutan 5,393 +190 4 3,066 2,323 6,869 5 1,490,405 1,898,448 785,065

206 St. Barth 3,435 6 N/A N/A N/A 346,096 605 56,491 5,691,788 9,925

207 Anguilla 2,361 +37 8 2,308 +50 45 4 155,176 526 51,382 3,377,062 15,215

208 Solomon Islands 2,167 +315 15 +3 25 2,127 5 3,037 21 5,117 7,171 713,535

209 Palau 1,940 +130 755 +186 1,185 9 106,412 24,625 1,350,721 18,231

210 Saint Pierre Miquelon 934 796 138 1 162,463 17,044 2,964,690 5,749

211 Kiribati 767 +138 767 6,269 122,351

212 Diamond Princess 712 13 699 0

213 Wallis and Futuna 454 7 438 9 41,548 641 20,508 1,876,819 10,927

214 Montserrat 163 1 158 4 2 32,620 200 7,796 1,560,136 4,997

215 Falkland Islands 89 N/A N/A N/A 24,451 8,528 2,342,857 3,640

216 Macao 79 79 0 119 5,217 7,865 663,352

217 Samoa 33 +1 3 30 165 200,503

218 Vatican City 29 28 1 36,070 804

219 Western Sahara 10 1 8 1 16 2 620,576

220 MS Zaandam 9 2 7 0

221 Vanuatu 7 1 6 0 22 3 23,000 72,213 318,502

222 Marshall Islands 7 7 0 117 59,823

223 Tonga 5 +3 1 4 46 107,592

224 Saint Helena 2 2 0 328 6,106

225 Micronesia 1 1 0 9 116,933

Total: 383,627,919 +1,627,324 5,710,459 +5,087 303,865,799 +1,035,846 74,051,661 92,336 49,215.9 732.6